A Reading From the Book of John Esv

Jesus Before Pilate

23 c Then the whole company of them arose and brought him before Pilate . 2 And they began to accuse him , maxim , " Nosotros found this human being d misleading our nation and due east forbidding united states of america to requite tribute to f Caesar , and saying that he himself is Christ , g a male monarch . " 3 h And Pilate asked him , i " Are you the Male monarch of the Jews ? " And he answered him , j " You have said so . " 4 Then Pilate said to the chief priests and the crowds , k " I discover no guilt in this man . " 5 But they were urgent , maxim , " He stirs upwardly the people , teaching throughout all Judea , fifty from Galilee even to this place . "

Jesus Before Herod

6 When Pilate heard this , he asked whether the man was a Galilean . 7 And when he learned that he belonged to m Herod'southward jurisdiction , he sent him over to Herod , who was himself in Jerusalem at that time . 8 When Herod saw Jesus , he was very glad , n for he had long desired to run across him , o because he had heard virtually him , and he was hoping p to see some sign done by him . 9 And then he questioned him at some length , merely he made no answer . 10 The main priests and the scribes stood by , vehemently accusing him . xi And Herod with his soldiers q treated him with contempt and r mocked him . Then , s arraying him in splendid article of clothing , he sent him back to Pilate . 12 And t Herod and Pilate became friends with each other that very solar day , for before this they had been at enmity with each other .

13 Pilate then chosen together the chief priests and u the rulers and the people , 14 and said to them , " Y'all brought me this man v equally one who was misleading the people . And w after examining him before y'all , behold , I x did not discover this man guilty of any of your charges confronting him . 15 Neither did Herod , for y he sent him back to united states of america . Wait , nothing deserving death has been done by him . 16 z I will therefore punish and release him . " i

Pilate Delivers Jesus to Be Crucified

xviii a But they all cried out together , b " Away with this human , and release to us Barabbas " xix a man who had been thrown into prison for an insurrection started in the city and c for murder . 20 Pilate addressed them once more , desiring to release Jesus , 21 just they kept shouting , " Crucify , crucify him ! " 22 A tertiary time he said to them , " Why ? d What evil has he washed ? e I have found in him no guilt deserving death . f I volition therefore punish and release him . " 23 But they were urgent , demanding with loud cries that he should exist crucified . And their voices prevailed . 24 So Pilate decided that their demand should be granted . 25 He released the man who had been thrown into prison one thousand for insurrection and murder , for whom they asked , h simply he delivered Jesus over to their volition .

The Crucifixion

26 i And every bit they led him away , they seized one Simon of Cyrene , who was coming in from the country , and laid on him the cantankerous , to carry it behind Jesus . 27 And in that location followed him a great multitude of the people and of women who were j mourning and lamenting for him . 28 Merely turning to them Jesus said , " Daughters of Jerusalem , do not weep for me , merely weep for yourselves and for your children . 29 For behold , k the days are coming when they will say , l ' Blest are the arid and the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed ! ' xxx m So they will begin to say to the mountains , ' Autumn on us , ' and to the hills , ' Embrace us . ' 31 For n if they exercise these things when o the woods is green , what will happen o when it is dry ? "

32 p Two others , who were criminals , were led away to be put to death with him . 33 q And when they came to the place that is chosen The Skull , there they crucified him , and the criminals , p 1 on his right and one on his left . 34 And Jesus said , " Father , r forgive them , due south for they know not what they exercise . " ii And they cast lots t to divide his garments . 35 And u the people stood by , watching , v only w the rulers x scoffed at him , maxim , y " He saved others ; z allow him save himself , a if he is b the Christ of God , c his Chosen One ! " 36 The soldiers also mocked him , coming upward and d offering him sour vino 37 and saying , e " If you are f the Male monarch of the Jews , salvage yourself ! " 38 g There was also an inscription over him , iii " This is f the Rex of the Jews . "

39 h 1 of the criminals who were hanged i railed at him , iv maxim , " Are yous not j the Christ ? Save yourself and us ! " 40 Only the other rebuked him , maxim , " Do you not fear God , since you are under the aforementioned sentence of condemnation ? 41 And nosotros indeed justly , for we are receiving the due advantage of our deeds ; but this man has done nothing wrong . " 42 And he said , " Jesus , retrieve me k when you come into your kingdom . " 43 And he said to him , " Truly , I say to you , today you volition be with me in l paradise . "

The Expiry of Jesus

44 m It was now nigh the 6th hour , 5 and there was darkness over the whole country until the 9th 60 minutes , vi 45 while the sun'southward light failed . And north the pall of the temple was torn in two . 46 And so Jesus , o calling out with a loud voice , said , " Father , p into your easily I q commit my spirit ! " And having said this r he breathed his last . 47 At present s when the centurion saw what had taken identify , t he praised God , saying , " Certainly this man was innocent ! " 48 And all the crowds that had assembled for this spectacle , when they saw what had taken place , returned home u beating their breasts . 49 And all v his acquaintances and w the women who had followed him from Galilee ten stood at a distance watching these things .

Jesus Is Cached

50 y Now there was a man named Joseph , from the Jewish town of Arimathea . He was a member of the council , a good and righteous human being , 51 who had not consented to their decision and activity ; and he z was looking for the kingdom of God . 52 This man went to Pilate and asked for the trunk of Jesus . 53 Then he took it down and wrapped it in a linen shroud and a laid him in a tomb cut in stone , b where no one had ever however been laid . 54 Information technology was the twenty-four hours of c Training , and the Sabbath was first . vii 55 d The women due east who had come with him from Galilee followed and saw the tomb and how his body was laid . 56 And then they returned and f prepared spices and ointments .

On the Sabbath they rested thousand according to the commandment .

The Resurrection

24 h But on the start day of the week , at early dawn , they went to the tomb , i taking the spices they had prepared . two And they found j the stone rolled abroad from the tomb , 3 but when they went in they did not discover the torso of the Lord Jesus . 4 While they were perplexed virtually this , behold , 1000 2 l men stood by them in dazzling apparel . five And as they were m frightened and bowed their faces to the ground , the men said to them , " Why do you seek the living amongst the expressionless ? vi He is not here , but has risen . Remember how he told you , northward while he was still in Galilee , vii northward that the Son of Man o must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and p be crucified and on q the third day ascension . " viii And r they remembered his words , ix and returning from the tomb they south told all these things to the eleven and to all the residuum . x Now it was t Mary Magdalene and u Joanna and Mary the mother of James and the other women with them who told these things to the apostles , 11 but these words seemed to them an idle tale , and v they did not believe them . 12 Merely w Peter rose and ran to the tomb ; stooping and looking in , he saw 10 the linen cloths by themselves ; and he went habitation marveling at what had happened .

On the Road to Emmaus

13 That very solar day y ii of them were going to a village named Emmaus , almost seven miles 1 from Jerusalem , fourteen and they were talking with each other nearly all these things that had happened . 15 While they were talking and discussing together , Jesus himself drew near and went with them . 16 z But their optics were kept from recognizing him . 17 And he said to them , " What is this conversation that you are holding with each other as you walk ? " And they stood still , looking sad . 18 Then ane of them , named Cleopas , answered him , " Are you the just visitor to Jerusalem who does non know the things that have happened there in these days ? " 19 And he said to them , " What things ? " And they said to him , " Apropos Jesus of Nazareth , a man who was a a prophet b mighty in deed and word before God and all the people , 20 and c how our chief priests and d rulers delivered him up to be condemned to death , and crucified him . 21 Only we had hoped that he was e the one to redeem Israel . Yeah , and besides all this , information technology is now f the third day since these things happened . 22 Moreover , some women of our company amazed united states . 1000 They were at the tomb early in the morning , 23 and h when they did non detect his body , they came back maxim that i they had even seen a vision of angels , who said that he was alive . 24 j Some of those who were with u.s. went to the tomb and found information technology just as the women had said , simply him they did not see . " 25 And he said to them , " O foolish ones , and slow of centre to believe all that the prophets have spoken ! 26 k Was it not necessary that 50 the Christ should suffer these things and enter into k his celebrity ? " 27 And n offset with o Moses and p all the Prophets , he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself .

28 And so they drew near to the hamlet to which they were going . q He acted as if he were going farther , 29 only they urged him strongly , saying , " Stay with us , for it is toward evening and r the day is at present far spent . " Then he went in to stay with them . thirty When he was at table with them , he took the bread and s blessed and broke it and gave it to them . 31 t And their eyes were opened , and they recognized him . And u he vanished from their sight . 32 They said to each other , five " Did non our hearts burn within us while he talked to usa on the road , while he due west opened to us the Scriptures ? " 33 And they rose that same hour and returned to Jerusalem . And they ten found the 11 and y those who were with them gathered together , 34 proverb , " The Lord has risen indeed , and z has appeared to Simon ! " 35 Then they told what had happened on the road , and a how he was known to them in b the breaking of the bread .

Jesus Appears to His Disciples

36 Every bit they were talking nigh these things , c Jesus himself stood among them , and said to them , " Peace to you ! " 37 But they were d startled and e frightened and f thought they saw a spirit . 38 And he said to them , " Why are you troubled , and why do doubts arise in your hearts ? 39 See my hands and my feet , that it is I myself . g Bear upon me , and see . For a spirit does not accept flesh and basic as yous see that I take . " twoscore And when he had said this , h he showed them his hands and his feet . 41 And while they still disbelieved i for joy and were marveling , j he said to them , " Have you annihilation here to eat ? " 42 They gave him a piece of broiled fish , 2 43 and he took it and ate before them .

44 Then he said to them , yard " These are my words that I spoke to you lot while I was still with you , fifty that everything written well-nigh me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must exist fulfilled . " 45 Then m he opened their minds to sympathize the Scriptures , 46 and said to them , " Thus n it is written , o that the Christ should suffer and on the third day p ascension from the dead , 47 and that q repentance for 3 the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed r in his name s to all nations , t beginning from Jerusalem . 48 u You are witnesses of these things . 49 And behold , I am sending five the promise of my Father upon you . Only stay in the urban center until you westward are clothed with x ability y from on high . "

The Rising

l And z he led them out as far equally a Bethany , and lifting up his easily he blessed them . 51 While he blessed them , b he parted from them and was carried up into heaven . 52 And they c worshiped him and z returned to Jerusalem d with great joy , 53 and e were continually in the temple f approval God .

John Illustration


The Word Became Flesh

one a In the beginning was b the Word , and c the Word was with God , and d the Discussion was God . 2 He was in the start with God . three due east All things were made through him , and without him was not any thing made that was made . 4 f In him was life , one and one thousand the life was the light of men . 5 h The light shines in the darkness , and the darkness has not overcome it .

vi There was a man i sent from God , whose name was j John . vii He came as a thou witness , to bear witness near the light , l that all might believe through him . 8 thou He was not the light , but came to deport witness near the light .

nine n The truthful light , which gives calorie-free to everyone , was coming into the world . 10 He was in the world , and the world was made through him , yet o the world did non know him . eleven He came to p his ain , 2 and q his own people 3 r did not receive him . 12 But to all who did receive him , south who believed in his name , t he gave the right u to become v children of God , thirteen who w were built-in , x non of claret y nor of the will of the flesh nor of the volition of human , but of God .

14 And z the Give-and-take a became mankind and b dwelt among u.s.a. , c and nosotros accept seen his glory , glory as of the just Son iv from the Father , full of d grace and e truth . xv ( f John bore witness about him , and cried out , " This was he of whom I said , g ' He who comes afterwards me ranks before me , because he was before me . ' " ) 16 For from h his fullness we have all received , i grace upon grace . five 17 For j the law was given through Moses ; k grace and truth came through Jesus Christ . 18 fifty No i has always seen God ; m the merely God , 6 who is at the Father's side , seven north he has made him known .

The Testimony of John the Baptist

19 And this is the o testimony of John , when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to enquire him , p " Who are you ? " 20 q He confessed , and did not deny , but confessed , " I am not the Christ . " 21 And they asked him , " What and then ? r Are yous Elijah ? " He said , " I am not . " " Are you s the Prophet ? " And he answered , " No . " 22 So they said to him , " Who are you ? Nosotros need to requite an answer to those who sent us . What do yous say about yourself ? " 23 He said , " I am t the vocalism of one crying out in the wilderness , ' Make straight eight the manner of the Lord , ' as the prophet Isaiah said . "

24 ( Now they had been sent from the Pharisees . ) 25 They asked him , u " Then why are yous baptizing , if y'all are neither the Christ , nor Elijah , nor the Prophet ? " 26 John answered them , v " I cognominate with h2o , but among yous stands one you exercise not know , 27 even w he who comes after me , the strap of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie . " 28 These things took identify in Bethany across the Jordan , where John was baptizing .

Behold, the Lamb of God

29 The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him , and said , " Behold , ten the Lamb of God , who y takes away the sin z of the world ! 30 This is he of whom I said , a ' After me comes a man who ranks before me , considering he was before me . ' 31 I myself did non know him , simply b for this purpose I came baptizing with water , that he might exist revealed to Israel . " 32 And John c bore witness : d " I saw the Spirit descend from heaven like a pigeon , and due east information technology remained on him . 33 I myself did not know him , but f he who sent me to baptize thou with water said to me , ' He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain , h this is he who baptizes grand with the Holy Spirit . ' 34 And I have seen and accept borne witness that this is the Son 9 of God . "

Jesus Calls the Kickoff Disciples

35 The next day again John was standing with two of his disciples , 36 and he looked at Jesus every bit he walked past and said , " Behold , i the Lamb of God ! " 37 The two disciples heard him say this , and they followed Jesus . 38 Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them , j " What are you lot seeking ? " And they said to him , k " Rabbi " ( which means Teacher ) , " where are you staying ? " 39 He said to them , " Come and you will run across . " So they came and saw where he was staying , and they stayed with him that twenty-four hour period , for it was about the 10th hour . ten twoscore 50 Ane of the ii who heard John speak and followed Jesus 11 was Andrew , Simon Peter'south blood brother . 41 He first plant his own brother Simon and said to him , " We have establish m the Messiah " ( which ways Christ ) . 42 He brought him to Jesus . Jesus looked at him and said , " Y'all are Simon the son of n John . You shall be called o Cephas " ( which ways p Peter 12 ) .

Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael

43 q The next solar day Jesus decided r to go to Galilee . He institute Philip and said to him , " Follow me . " 44 At present due south Philip was from Bethsaida , the city of Andrew and Peter . 45 Philip institute t Nathanael and said to him , " Nosotros take plant him of whom u Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote , Jesus five of Nazareth , w the son of Joseph . " 46 Nathanael said to him , x " Tin anything good come up out of Nazareth ? " Philip said to him , " Come and come across . " 47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him , " Behold , y an Israelite indeed , z in whom there is no deceit ! " 48 Nathanael said to him , " How a do y'all know me ? " Jesus answered him , " Before Philip called y'all , when yous were under the fig tree , I saw you . " 49 Nathanael answered him , b " Rabbi , c you are the Son of God ! You are the d Male monarch of Israel ! " 50 Jesus answered him , " Because I said to yous , ' I saw y'all under the fig tree , ' do you believe ? You will see greater things than these . " 51 And he said to him , " Truly , truly , I say to you , 13 yous will encounter e heaven opened , and f the angels of God ascending and descending on g the Son of Man . "

The Wedding at Cana

ii On h the tertiary day there was a wedding ceremony at i Cana in Galilee , and the mother of Jesus was in that location . ii Jesus as well was invited to the wedding with j his disciples . 3 When the wine ran out , the mother of Jesus said to him , " They take no wine . " four And Jesus said to her , k " Woman , l what does this have to practice with me ? m My hour has non however come . " v His mother said to the servants , " Do any he tells you . "

6 Now there were 6 stone water jars at that place n for the Jewish rites of purification , each holding twenty or thirty o gallons . 1 7 Jesus said to the servants , " Fill the jars with h2o . " And they filled them upwards to the brim . 8 And he said to them , " Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet . " So they took information technology . nine When the chief of the feast tasted p the h2o now go wine , and did not know where it came from ( though the servants who had drawn the water knew ) , the principal of the feast called the benedict 10 and said to him , " Everyone serves the good vino start , and when people have drunkard freely , then the poor wine . Just you have kept the good wine until now . " 11 This , the starting time of his signs , Jesus did at Cana in Galilee , and manifested q his glory . And r his disciples believed in him .

12 Afterward this he went down to Capernaum , with his mother and due south his brothers 2 and his disciples , and they stayed there for a few days .

Jesus Cleanses the Temple

13 t The Passover of the Jews was at manus , and Jesus u went upward to Jerusalem . xiv v In the temple he constitute those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons , and the money-changers sitting there . 15 And making a whip of cords , he drove them all out of the temple , with the sheep and oxen . And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables . 16 And he told those who sold the pigeons , " Take these things away ; do non brand west my Begetter'south house a firm of trade . " 17 His disciples remembered that it was written , x " Zeal for your house volition consume me . "

18 So the Jews said to him , y " What sign practice you evidence united states for doing these things ? " xix Jesus answered them , z " Destroy this temple , and in iii days a I will enhance it upwards . " twenty The Jews then said , " It has taken forty-half-dozen years to build this temple , 3 and will you heighten it upwards in iii days ? " 21 Only he was speaking near b the temple of his body . 22 When therefore he was raised from the dead , c his disciples remembered that he had said this , and they believed d the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken .

Jesus Knows What Is in Man

23 Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast , many believed in his proper noun e when they saw the signs that he was doing . 24 But Jesus f on his role did not entrust himself to them , considering thousand he knew all people 25 and needed no one to comport witness almost homo , for one thousand he himself knew what was in man .

You Must Be Born Again

three Now there was a man of the Pharisees named h Nicodemus , i a ruler of the Jews . 2 This man came to Jesus 1 j by night and said to him , k " Rabbi , 50 nosotros know that you are a teacher come up from God , for no i can practice these signs that you practice m unless God is with him . " three Jesus answered him , " Truly , truly , I say to you , unless one is n born o again 2 he cannot p come across the kingdom of God . " iv Nicodemus said to him , " How can a man be born when he is old ? Can he enter a 2nd time into his mother's womb and be born ? " 5 Jesus answered , " Truly , truly , I say to you , unless one is built-in q of water and the Spirit , he cannot enter the kingdom of God . vi r That which is born of the flesh is s flesh , and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit . 3 vii t Do not marvel that I said to you , ' You iv must be built-in u once more . ' 8 v The wind 5 blows westward where it wishes , and you hear its sound , simply y'all practice not know where it comes from or where it goes . So information technology is with everyone who is born of the Spirit . "

9 Nicodemus said to him , 10 " How can these things be ? " 10 Jesus answered him , " Are you the instructor of State of israel y and nevertheless you do not understand these things ? 11 Truly , truly , I say to you , z we speak of what nosotros know , and carry witness to what nosotros have seen , but z y'all 6 do not receive our testimony . 12 If I have told you earthly things and you practice not believe , how can yous believe if I tell you heavenly things ? 13 a No one has b ascended into heaven except c he who descended from heaven , the Son of Homo . 7 14 And d every bit Moses lifted upwards the snake in the wilderness , and so must the Son of Man e be lifted up , fifteen that whoever believes f in him g may have eternal life . 8

For God So Loved the World

sixteen " For h God so loved i the world , 9 j that he gave his only Son , that whoever believes in him should not m perish but have eternal life . 17 For l God did not transport his Son into the world 1000 to condemn the world , only in lodge that the globe might be saved through him . 18 n Whoever believes in him is non condemned , merely whoever does not believe is condemned already , because he has non o believed in the name of the just Son of God . 19 p And this is the judgment : q the low-cal has come up into the world , and r people loved the darkness rather than the light considering due south their works were evil . 20 t For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does non come to the calorie-free , u lest his works should be exposed . 21 But whoever five does what is true w comes to the light , and then that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God . "

John the Baptist Exalts Christ

22 After this Jesus and his disciples went into the Judean countryside , and he remained at that place with them and 10 was baptizing . 23 John also was baptizing at Aenon about Salim , because h2o was plentiful in that location , and people were coming and beingness baptized 24 ( for y John had not yet been put in prison house ) .

25 At present a give-and-take arose between some of John's disciples and a Jew over z purification . 26 And they came to John and said to him , a " Rabbi , he who was with you across the Jordan , b to whom you bore witness wait , he is baptizing , and c all are going to him . " 27 John answered , d " A person cannot receive even i matter e unless it is given him f from heaven . 28 You lot yourselves bear me witness , that I said , yard ' I am not the Christ , but h I accept been sent before him . ' 29 i The one who has the bride is the bridegroom . j The friend of the bridegroom , who stands and hears him , thousand rejoices greatly at the bridegroom's vocalism . Therefore this joy of mine is now complete . thirty l He must increase , but I must subtract . " ten

31 m He who comes from above north is above all . He who is of the earth belongs to the earth and o speaks in an earthly way . p He who comes from heaven northward is above all . 32 q He bears witness to what he has seen and heard , r yet no i receives his testimony . 33 Whoever receives his testimony s sets his seal to this , t that God is truthful . 34 For he whom u God has sent utters the words of God , for he gives the Spirit v without measure . 35 west The Father loves the Son and x has given all things into his paw . 36 y Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life ; z whoever does not obey the Son shall not a see life , merely the wrath of God remains on him .


Source: https://www.esv.org/john+1/

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