Seize the Fire Laura Kinsale Read Online Free

Renegade Muse


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[1] Posted by laura kinsale on 01.08.2010

(Comments closed due to spam.  Experience free to e-mail me or make contact on Twitter or Facebook.)  All opinions are welcome, positive or negative, but civility and polite language are required for comments to remain.  Political or religious references are not allowed, unless directly related to the volume under discussion. I do answer questions but I seldom give interpretations about my books or characters, considering I savor hearing what readers see in them.  These comments and discussions replace my onetime forum at The Terrace. Warning: Book discussions may comprise spoilers.

[2] Posted by Michelle on 01.15.2010

This is my all time favorite book, I've read and re-read information technology several times. I love the hero'southward cynicism, humor, sexiness and his fate of doing the right affair despite himself. The chemistry between Olympia and Sheridan, and particularly how their ability to drive each other basics keeps you lot riveted. All of their adventures and tragedies build a true understanding betwixt them, and I'm always deplorable when I turn the last page. The sign of a classic dear story!

[3] Posted by Brooke on 01.xv.2010

I have to agree with Michelle.  Olympia and Sheridan are both fascinating and unusual protagonists, yet stunningly relatable and endearing.  Plus any novel that can rock a penguin, a shipwreck, and a displaced princess—and still make me cry and bleat—is an unbelievably rare gem.

[iv] Posted by Susan on 01.16.2010

My outset Laura Kinsale volume, and I was blown away by how amazing it was.

[5] Posted past Scorpio K. on 01.xvi.2010

I have to give this book a thorough re-read. It didn't grab me as much as Laura's other works initially withal, I keep seeing all this great reader feedback.

[half-dozen] Posted by Vikki Johnson on 01.22.2010

Yes! Definitely re-read it. And re-read information technology again and again, as I have. By far ane of her finest!

[7] Posted by Lauren on 03.29.2010

I just finished this book for the first time this morning and had to post. I was enthralled from start to stop. Information technology'south really an amazing achievement—the writing is and then svelte fifty-fifty when grappling such complex and heady issues and far away locales. My only quibble? No epilogue! I would have loved to see Sheridan and Olympia more than at peace, although the ending as information technology is is also quite beautiful. Thanks for a wonderful read!

[eight] Posted by laura kinsale on 03.thirty.2010

Lauren, I'd have to go dorsum and re-read it myself to see if I could write an epilogue.  Give thanks you!

[ix] Posted by Barbara Dan on 05.01.2010

Laura, as I wrote you when "Seize the Fire" first came out, Sheridan Drake is the ultimate wounded warrior, far surpassing annihilation else I've read. I am delighted to hear that information technology'southward coming out again. As for an epilogue, who needs it? The lovers' total credence of one other leaves readers with the assurance that healing will continue.
Dedicating their story to our Vietnam Vets at the end, instead at the forepart of the book, has fifty-fifty more impact later on living vicariously through Sheridan'south complex and ofttimes murky struggle not to give up on himself and life. Who merely Olympia could bring promise and unconditional dearest to the scenario?
This has to be my all time favorite. Thanks for your pinnacle writing.

[ten] Posted by laura kinsale on 05.05.2010

Thank you Barbara, for your comments both now and when the book first came out.  I recollect the dedication is one of the more important elements of the volume in this instance.

[xi] Posted by Debbie on 05.07.2010

What I relish about Laura's heroes is they are recognizable in the men we love in our own lives.  The hubby who stands at your side when times are hard, the son who holds the eating place door while xv people walk through without maxim give thanks you, the neighbor who mows the yard of the soldier pulling extra duty, the teacher who stays later hours to tutor students non fifty-fifty in his grade…I could go on, but you know who they are in your life.  As well, she has somehow captured the essence of the fear we all have when we make that commitment to beloved someone, to let them into our lives and to allow them to actually see who we are.

[12] Posted by laura kinsale on 05.ten.2010

Debbie, that's definitely what I hope readers will experience.  Thank you lot!

[13] Posted by Lauren Mease on 05.19.2010

I found this book at my local library and I was dazzled be just the cover of the book. Yet I’m not a person that unremarkably judges a book by its encompass, I couldn’t assist it. I finished this book in simply ane day, I couldn’t put information technology downward. I loved the chemistry between Sheridan Drake and Olympia, all the twists in between them finding an agreement and a true love of each other. My favorite part of the novel was the island when Olympia tells Drake that she would stay here to be with him! The book has flair of Gone with the Current of air; information technology is such a archetype romance! I hope for a motion picture and a sequel that would be so wonderful.

[14] Posted past laura kinsale on 05.23.2010

That would be quite a film, the location scout would be decorated. ;)

Thanks, Lauren, glad you enjoyed the book.

[15] Posted by Cami on 06.03.2010

I adore Seize the Fire, my hands down favorite book. Though nosotros fans are in practiced company. I was reading a Q&A with writer Anne Stuart and she states that Sheridan Drake is her all time favorite hero!

And while I agree with the earlier post by Barbara that the catastrophe is powerful as is, specially with the dedication afterward, I likewise am on squad Lauren'southward post and want an epilogue!! Actually. More Sheridan.

Since this sections says we can discuss the book… I had an idea. While the adventures of Sheridan and Olympia are over, I recall the "nonsensical count" who shows up at the end of Seize the Fire would make a proficient hero of his own book.

We don't know why Raban is out of money and willing to do all sorts of shady things on his path to riches, merely that reminds me of Sheridan's predicament at the offset of Seize the Fire. When Raban arrives, Sheridan has already had this huge emotional journeying since the fourth dimension when he was in cahoots with Julia and asked the princess to ally him, then agreed to sneak Olympia into Oriens with the principal goal of saving his hide and getting her jewels. All the same Raban is the same sort of rascally graphic symbol that Sheridan was and somewhat even so is.

With your genius, Laura, Raban too might have a back story leaving him filled with inner demons that only the right woman can heal. LOL! Plus, If you lot wrote a volume for him, we might get to meet Sheridan and Olympia since Raban was even so somewhat involved with Sheridan at the cease of the volume when he was sent to Madeira to look for Olympia.

I can't exist the only ane who wants some other hero similar Sheridan and I think Raban is our all-time take a chance. Please. Pretty delight… :)

[16] Posted by laura kinsale on 06.11.2010

Yeah, we do beloved those soft-hearted rogues, don't we?  LOL.

I don't have any immediate plans, merely you lot never know.

[17] Posted past Sandra on 10.08.2010

I love your writing style! I can't make myself read everyone else because they always neglect in comparing!! I am re-reading all your books for the trillionth fourth dimension and STF is still #one for me! #two is FFTS. I love both Sheridan and Olympia as! I love that you lot didn't brand her thin! I dear that he finds her sexy even though her body in her listen isn't perfect! I honey that he hates beingness considered a hero and yet he truly is… Basically, I love the depths of your characters! You are so gifted! The Muse has been good to you! I want this book and FFTS made into a picture! Though it could never replace the books! Thankyou for taking upward writing!

[eighteen] Posted by laura kinsale on 10.10.2010

Thank you over again. :)

[nineteen] Posted past lisa on 10.12.2010

Hi Laura,
I wish I had known you had a new edition out of STF—it looks cute!  I found an older version with the original encompass.  I just finished it last week and the story is haunting me—I loved Sheridan and Olympia and so much merely—this is so weird—I'g actually worried for them.  I don't have that peace of a HEA with them—I feel similar their story needs another volume at to the lowest degree and then we can follow up with how they are doing.  I don't usually worry about fictional characters like this ;-)

I concur with Cami that a book on Raban is needed then nosotros can check upwardly on Sheridan and Olympia to make sure they have really moved back indoors at least!  Or if we beg hard enough, maybe a little epilogue?

Give thanks you for your books—never end writing. :-)

[xx] Posted by eKathy28 on 11.02.2010

Howdy Laura:  I cannot fifty-fifty begin to say how much I dear this book. I am a weeping, blithering mess. And yes, that means I dearest information technology.
I was reading your books marathon style at the beginning of the yr and I thought I had finished all your books earlier this yr—except for "The Hidden Center" and "Shadow and the Star." I announced to have put them together someplace safe and can't find them. I was turning out my shelves ane more time and realized I had somehow missed this one…
Information technology is interesting in your introduction you say Sherry turned a little nighttime on you. I was sniffling right from the first quip almost his horrible father. That is the kind of black sense of humour the almost abused use to survive. I don't know how you wrote this book without turning yourself inside out. (I am non suggesting anything autobiographic here, just that it was so very wrenching.)
It truly is cinematic in scope, from English cartoon rooms, to the bounding main, to the island, to the desert to the Alps. And all of it so existent you can smell information technology and feel it and taste it.
Of course, the island is the favorite part. Who tin can resist a man who saves a baby penguin?
But the scene on shipboard when he nearly succumbs to his demons is stunning.
And that neither of them accept a clear sense of their own strengths is truly unique. Even in the terminate I wonder if they know as much nigh themselves as the reader knows almost them?
This far surpasses the usual offer of the romance genre and I write that with no disparagement of the genre I love.
When he asks her to come up back from so very far abroad because he needs her ... I remember maybe that goes against just about every romance convention there is. She is not plucky. She is as wounded equally he is at that point and yet there is plenty love to heal them both.
Ah, drat. I am crying once more. Kathy

[21] Posted past eKathy28 on 11.02.2010

Hello once more: I but had to add ane more thing for those who might not have read information technology and would be dismayed well-nigh the tears. Information technology is also laugh out loud funny. Kathy

[22] Posted by laura kinsale on xi.02.2010

Thank you, eKathy!  And thanks for mentioning the humor—I like to read books that mix sense of humour and intensity myself, so information technology's a large compliment to me that you saw both in STF.

[23] Posted by Viv aka Vixenbib on eleven.16.2010

Hello Laura (once again…and then soon!).  Finished this a couple of days ago. Information technology really surprised me.  Despite being charmed and amused by Sheridan's outrageousness, I was too VERY irritated by both him AND Olympia in the offset few capacity; so much then, that I couldn't believe they were e'er going to fit together, convincingly! Well, I changed my listen. And I am one of your readers who doesn't need or want an epilogue. I think it finished in the perfect identify.

You are a stunning author - where does this stuff come up from? (Rhetorical! - yous don't demand to reply. Only each ane of your books is And so different from the others - I have to keep request.)  From about half way through the book information technology began to dawn on me, that Sheridan was a victim of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder - does it have the aforementioned name in USA?) and the gradual revealing of his condition was, in my opinion, fantastically well done. I REALLY LOVE YOUR Piece of work. (Laura, I hope you don't mind me saying: there'southward only one volume out of the 10 I take then far read, with which I have any existent reservations - and I'm going to re-read information technology to see how I feel second time around. (Uncertain Magic, equally you lot're asking.))

STF, TSATS and Shadowheart have all moved me, deeply - just STF is the simply to have really caused me to weep real, painful tears - even earlier I got to the finish.  I think your insights into the human condition are akin to those of a therapist.  Maybe that'south a quality shared by all dandy writers. Wonderful work. Give thanks you seems inadequate. If I were near you, I'one thousand afraid I might have to touch your arm or something.
Love Viv

P.Southward. I seem to harp on about the angst in your novels considering that'due south what actually *GETS* me - but I really capeesh how multifaceted your writing is. Yous make me laugh likewise!

[24] Posted by laura kinsale on 11.16.2010

LOL, I'm re-reading STF correct now while copy-editing the digital version for re-release, and I have to admit I notice the two of them rather irritating myself in some places.  It's interesting to become dorsum to a volume after so long; it's as if someone else wrote it and I can sure run across the flaws!

But seeing equally you lot seem to think they redeem themselves, I'll go back to work on information technology. ;)

[25] Posted past Viv aka Vixenbib on xi.16.2010

Wow! and possibly, Oops!

Laura, I know you're (one-half) joking - but I'm actually NOT trying to propose that you should accept done annihilation differently with Sheridan and Her Highness; I wouldn't desire them to be anyone just themselves.

What is so amazing for me about this item volume is that I grew, from beingness irritated, to REALLY caring most and liking them both. And that is absolutely a testimony to the quality of your writing.

Wow! once again. You're re-reading it Right NOW?!

[26] Posted past Viv aka Vixen! on 11.16.2010

But for description - I usually post as "Vixen", non in fact Vixenbib, as I wrote in my concluding two posts! I'g confusing myself with all these pseudonyms! Not sure what the point is, really…

[27] Posted by eKathy on 12.28.2010

Merely dropping in. I accidentally clicked on remove me from further notifications and I Really did not want to practice that. I like information technology when these messages randomly drop into my inbox and I am reminded again of how much I love all these books.

[28] Posted by Chris on 02.08.2011

I really did not think I could find a book which could match 'Flowers from the Storm' in power, intensity, drama, emotion, humour, poignancy (I could go along!) and sheer wow factor enjoyment.How incorrect I was. I have just put down 'Seize the Fire' and I already feel bereaved. What a wonderful volume!I was so swept up in the characters of Sheridan and Olympia, their trials and emotions and thought processes, that I found it very hard to accept that the book had ended. I besides wanted to know what happened side by side (although the volume ends perfectly - it's not a criticism - I'k only greedy!), but I call back we know what happens really. They're going to be very happy, Sheridan is going to exist a peachy dad (only see how he was with that penguin), Olympia is going to be a lovely mum (she'll still have retained her loftier principles and superb manners)and they're going to live in Norfolk. That's my version anyway!
I really can't praise this volume plenty. It's beautifully written, incredibly well-researched (how practise yous know so much about Norfolk, Laura, and the Falklands for sky'due south sake? - information technology's amazing), highly circuitous and profound in terms of grapheme development yet totally attainable. I loved it. And cheers again, Laura. I'm very grateful.
It would be lovely if all your work could exist available on kindle soon. As a United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland reader I practise not always find it easy to get concord of your books. Amazon is my salvation!
With all all-time wishes.

[29] Posted past Chris on 02.08.2011

Actually - I said Norfolk in my previous postal service, but it's more often than not Cambridgeshire, isn't information technology? The Fens anyhow. Sorry nearly that! Geography obviously not my strong point!

[30] Posted by laura kinsale on 02.08.2011

Chris, I totally agree nearly their future!  Cheers for posting and I'thousand glad you enjoyed the book.

[31] Posted by Maria on 05.02.2011

For me, it is difficult to summit "For My Ladies Eye" in terms of personal resonance. But "Seize The Burn down" did capture my heart and heed in a more subtle mode. The complexity and entirety of the human experience I read in your characters is what continually brings me back. Case in point: Olympia. My stance of her was not too high to begin, merely I experience information technology grows even equally the days proceed to march on afterwards concluding the book.

Not but do y'all pigment a clear and real pic of the people in your books, only the way in which y'all describe the country and castle filled skies is beautiful.

[32] Posted by Marylou on 05.19.2011

I am obsessed with this book! I beloved all your novels, Ms.Kinsale,simply right now this is my favorite.  My previous obsession was For My Lady's Heart,nearly which I can't sympathise why it does not get more attention. I dearest how y'all have a classic dear story - like knight saves princess and turn it on information technology's head and inside out. Never predictable, always entertaining, written with every bit much attention to description every bit to the dialog,all of information technology beautiful prose!  I've already read Lessons in French twice and tin't wait 'til your next novel.  BTW I retrieve Olympia and Sheridon get to live in Vienna and make cute music together,and heal each other.

[33] Posted by Melisa Adams on 09.04.2011

I have read Seize the Fire so many times since information technology's first publication, I accept parts of it memorized, I'm sure. In fact, I loaned it to many friends telling them they needed to read it, it was such a cute story. One friend I loaned information technology to loved it so much she never gave it back. I had to have that book, so I went to Amazon to purchase information technology again. I had to send them on a search for out of impress books (manifestly it hadn't gone into re-issue at that time) and paid the same price I would have paid for a hard backed book.

A movie is a tempting thought, but I would miss my version of Sheridan with those argent eyes and that blackest black hair and his sulky face up. I always weep for them at the end. Every fourth dimension, no matter how many times I read information technology. But all of the LK books go out me with a small-scale bruise on my heart. They are like the romance version of a Stephen Male monarch book. Good works hard to find its mode, but pays a heavy price.

I had been then afraid that at that place were no more than books to be had. By coming to this website I take discovered 2 that I've allow slip past me. I'chiliad off to the bookstore!!! :D

[34] Posted by Ivana Rodríguez on 09.25.2011

I read this book last twelvemonth and I brutal in love with your work, actualy, you're my favourite writter ever. I'm from Argentine republic, so if I take any mistakes with the writing - in fact is the well-nigh probably -, I repent.
The story between Olympia and Sheridan is so engaging. Is like reading a love story I would like to happen to me; despite the adversities faced by characters.
I read Flowers from the Storm, Seize the Fire and The Prince of Midnight. I have it on my shelf and I read this over and over (I'one thousand trying to get the others books!)
Congratulations for being the possessor of such magnificent pieces of literature!

[35] Posted by laura kinsale on 09.29.2011

Welcome, Ivana.  Thank you.  Your English is very good, and I'yard so glad you wrote to tell me yous bask my books.

[36] Posted by Rory the Reader on 10.03.2011

I loved this volume. I read it three times in a calendar week.

But I keep worrying well-nigh the Sheridan and Olympia. Can they exist happy?
I do think the book concluded perfectly merely I have to reiterate what someone above me has said already:
What is up with Raban? What'southward his story? He dropped into and out of the book in such a fashion that there *has* to be more to him.

I read this book and also The Dream Hunter this month. And then I'm forced to inquire these questions:
1. What kind of research did you lot practice when yous set out to describe the people and places out East?
two. Do you e'er wonder how your depictions of Arab and Turkish civilisation are received past readers and fans who may be Arab or Turkish?
(I don't hateful whatsoever disrespect here, but I wonder.)

[37] Posted by laura kinsale on 10.03.2011

Hello, Rory, glad you enjoyed the books.  Actually when I started writing the manuscript that became Lessons in French, I was thinking of making Raban the hero, merely the timing didn't piece of work out and I went in a dissimilar direction.  But there'due south simply a trivial bit of Raban in Trev, since he was the original inspiration. ;)

Regarding Dream Hunter I did quite a bit of research into the English language view of Bedouin and Turkish civilization and history of the time period.  The book was written before the days of google, so I used print books, by and large written by British travelers to the near east and Arabian peninsula.  I'm sure the Turks of the day had quite a different view of Hester Stanhope than the English did, just all I had admission to was the English version of events. So a lot of it reflects their views and prejudices, just like everything we read nearly those areas today reflects ours. And there'south a lot of controversy, depending on your point of view, isn't there?

Having but visited Istanbul and Izmir this summer, I can say that I actually was blown away past Turkey and would love to become back—the layers of history are crawly, people fascinating.  Istanbul was like nowhere I've been earlier, and I've been a off-white number of places. (I take Turkish fans, and just recently The Dream Hunter was published in Turkish, so I guess at least the publisher was ok with it.)

I sometimes wonder what whatever reader thinks of my books, but to be honest if a writer spends too much fourth dimension thinking about that, information technology'due south a slap-up way to bulldoze yourself nuts.  Yous cannot ever delight anybody, or know everything nearly a discipline, or even come close.

[38] Posted by Mary Yard on 11.05.2011

I beloved your humor, Laura.  I was hooked on Seize the Burn when y'all used the word "succour" re Sheridan and the Greek fisherman's daughter.  Yous have a skilled blend of humanity, storytelling, and satirical all the same hopeful perspective of life.

best wishes,  Mary

[39] Posted by laura kinsale on 11.09.2011

Heh, aye I seem to exist known for using rather unusual diction now and then.  Unfortunately I'm the kind of person who talks similar that in real life too. ;)

Give thanks you! So glad you lot enjoyed the book.

[xl] Posted by Jai Joshi on 08.24.2012

I was hooked on this book from the start affiliate when Sheridan realises he's going to die on that send later all even though he's supposed to be going home and he blames it all on the admiral. So funny! And so when he's in the sea and he shouts curses at the ships sailing past him. Hilarious and nonetheless terrifying at the aforementioned time. I couldn't put the volume downwardly.

Then, as I read further and Sheridan'south PTSD started to be revealed flake by scrap, my eye ached for him and for Olympia who was trying to help him even when he didn't want to be helped. They were so perfect for each other. By the terminate, I was so emotionally entangled with them both, I was weeping and praying that Olympia would reach out her hand to him. I just wanted them to go to Vienna and make music.

I would certainly vote for an epilogue too but the volume was perfect but the mode it was. A sequel with Raban as the hero would work just too in showcasing Sheridan and Olympia later their story, hoping with children and a peaceful home.

There are several sequels I wish y'all would write, Laura! Similar a sequel for Durham from FFTS (which would exist then funny!), and too a sequel for Diana, Christian's bounder daughter in FFTS. There's got to be a story in there somewhere because despite Maddy teaching her to non care for worldly things, at that place's no way Diana'due south not going to suffer from her illegimacy.

Just ultimately, like any Laura Kinsale devotee, I'1000 going to wait for whatever your adjacent book is and gobble up every word.


[41] Posted past Aleandra Rodriguez on 01.04.2013

Hi Laura, I'm Alejandra,from Argentina. I love your books. Simply I wanted to tell you that there is an error in this volume. July is summer in the Malvinas, where the penguins are, is just an observation. And I'one thousand glad that you chosen Malvinas.
All your books are wonderful, thank you for giving us so much hope and illusion ...

[42] Posted past laura kinsale on 01.06.2013

I'm sure in that location are a lot of mistakes in my books!  I'm a petty puzzled because I think July is winter in the southern hemisphere, just you are much closer than I am, and so I will bow to your noesis. :)  I'm glad you lot enjoyed the volume anyhow.  Laura

[43] Posted past Delah on 06.12.2013

Hullo Laura,
I've read several of your books many years ago and enjoyed them. Definitely not your boilerplate romance novels. Very unique.  Seize the Burn down was the starting time of your novels that I read and my favorite.  I am a fellow member of and noticed you take 3 books in audio format but not Seize the Fire.  Practice you have plans to put Seize the Burn down in audio format?

Thank you,

[44] Posted by laura kinsale on 06.15.2013

Yeah!!!  Seize the Fire will definitely be an audiobook.  Nick Boulton is reading all of my books, except one or two, and they'll exist coming out over the remainder of this year and early 2014!

I'thou then glad you found them on Audible.  Wait for THE DREAM HUNTER side by side, in late July or August.

[45] Posted by Lari Tanner on 08.02.2013

I've read your books over a few times, my all time favorites are the Shadow and the Star, Flowers from the Storm, and the Prince of Midnight.  I love how your characters, although heroic, are flawed.  It makes them much more than real. I relish your writing immensely.  I am a writer of sorts myself, merely cannot seem to capture the moment like y'all do, something I'm all the same learning to practice!
I re-read these favorites of mine these past few weeks, and am still in awe at your descriptions and dialogue.  You have a magnificent vocalization!  I do have a question about Seize the Fire in particular.
Toward the end of the book, you introduce us to a mysterious character by the name of Count Raban.  I was wondering if you were ever planning his ain romance and chance story, I was rather hoping y'all would! I have not read your most recent books, My Sweet Folly, Lessons in French, or Dream Hunter, so I'm not sure if he may plough up in those books or not?  Just, I am hoping you'll allow us know more about this mysterious count.  He sounds similar a primary graphic symbol for his own story for sure!
Cheers for your wonderful talent, I await forrad to reading your new books!!

[46] Posted past laura kinsale on 08.03.2013

Lari, I'm glad you enjoy my books!

I have not written about Count Raban. I've idea about it, and some of the original impulse for the hero in Lessons in French came from that, only it turned out completely different.

So, no, Raban doesn't appear anywhere in my books. He would be a great character and I don't count it out in the future!

Expert luck with your writing!

[47] Posted past Lari Tanner on 08.03.2013

I should accept scrolled up and read your answer about Count Raban in an earlier post!  My bad! Thanks so much for replying back to me, and so speedily besides! I hope you don't dominion Raban out, I am curious about him and would love to read his story!  I am currently in my master's program in media and communications at University of Texas at Dallas.  I'm in your cervix of the wood! I hope to write more than term papers eventually. My hope is to exist a YA writer, a published one! Thank y'all for your well wishes. If you ever do a book signing here, I promise I hear near it and so I can encounter ya in person!  Thanks once more for your wonderful Worlds of Kinsale! :)  You, every bit my kids would say, ROCK!

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