Rnc Will Back Alleged Predator Kavanaugh again

Source: Ed

Bully for him. And also, have fun storming the filibuster castle … again. Chuck Schumer wants to get "every senator" on the record on abortion, a demand that's near equally moot as his strategy volition prove:

Smashing! Groovy! You know what would make that possible?Overturning Roe and Casey. The Supreme Courtroom appears poised to send this issue back to legislatures and voters, if the leaked stance draft is legitimate. Justice Samuel Alito argues that not only is the ramble basis for finding a "correct" to ballgame entirely specious, the attempt to "settle" the event by judicial fiat backfired anyway. Amend to take elected officials take votes and form public policy than go along with star-chamber governance and legislative operation art.

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Unfortunately for Schumer, and thanks in role to the performative politics that Roe enabled for the last forty-nine years, we already know where 100 senators stand on ballgame, along with virtually other politicians. Why? Considering in nigh every instance, there'due south fiddling or no price to using ballgame as a tribal signal to the party base.

By the way, we also know where 100 senators stand up on the filibuster, which would take to exist eliminated to codifyRoeinto statute, as Manu Raju explains:

It's a rerun on the substance, and a rerun on the process. Schumer made that articulate in his idiotic assault on his own caucus in January with an attempt to blow upwardly the filibuster for progressive attempts to federalize elections. It didn't have the votes then, and it certainly won't accept the votes now. Manchin is both pro-life and pro-filibuster, and there isn't a run a risk in hell that Schumer will find two votes amid Republicans to eliminate the filibuster for the sake of ballgame. He'd probably need three, as Sinema likely won't budge now if she wouldn't budge on the elections pecker on which Joe Biden endlessly demagogued.

Information technology'south good to know that the upcomingDobbs decision hasn't entirely killed off performance art in the Senate, though.

Susan Collins sounds unhappy plenty toperadventure consider information technology, but …

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said on Tuesday that a leaked draft ruling by the Supreme Court was "completely inconsistent" with what Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch told her during their individual conversations every bit Supreme Court nominees.

"If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, information technology would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my part," Collins said in a statement.

"Manifestly, we won't know each Justice'due south conclusion and reasoning until the Supreme Court officially announces its opinion in this case," she added.

That doesn't audio like someone who's going to carelessness Senate rules. It sounds more like a senator who's trying to protect her centrist flank with her constituents. It didn't accept her office long to make that clear:

But even if Collins decided to toss out the delay, Schumer still needs at least i and likely 2 more Republicans to make upwardly for Manchin and Sinema. Lisa Murkoswki'due south the only other pro-pick Republican in the Senate, and she's facing a tough re-election this year in Alaska. Caving to Schumer would end her career, likely in favor of a MAGA challenger that Murkoswki would despise.

Mitch McConnell takes aim at the Left in response:

In that context, it'due south even less likely that Schumer gets whatsoever Republicans to hold to fundamentally change the institutional Senate for a atmosphere tantrum over a courtroom decision.

Schumer has to know this, too. This is nothing but an opportunity to charge up the base for the midterm elections, but Schumer'southward running through his powderwaaaaaytoo early on for that to be constructive. All this volition do is demonstrate even so again that Democrats have bungled their shot at leadership, which after the heat of the nowadays moment fades will discourage their voters more than inspire them. They'd be improve off getting rid of their current leadership across the board and giving those voters some reason to cheer. Schumer and Nancy Pelosi should exist the first to go.

Update: So much for a filibuster practice-over:

And then in one case again, Schumer wants to conduct some other accuse into the batteries with a too-lite brigade of progressives.


Source: https://nworeport.me/2022/05/03/schumer-i-demand-a-vote-to-codify-roe-into-federal-law-update-manchin-sinema-collins-say-no-dice-on-filibuster-change/

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