Easy Money the Hunter Call of the Wild

Wild West Currency

Making money is a gritty yet satisfying process in The Wild West. To obtain that shiny long-range sniper or that powerful and agile horse, you'll have to work for it.

There are currently 6 ways to earn money in The Wild West: Mining, Stealing, Hunting, Bounty Hunting, Wood Cutting, and joining a Job. All jobs except the Mayor job are able to give the player money in some way. In smaller servers, the banks drop less gold, so larger servers are better for things like pirating, hunting, and mining. Private servers are practically useless as all money is gained at a heavily reduced rate. If you want to make lots of money, you should be in a public server (risk for reward).

Risk plays a huge role in The Wild West, especially with grinding. Something that you'll have to accept is that players can attack you in the majority of instances and take any loot you had due to The Wild West's roguelike content and nature.

With the Christmas 2021 (Frozen Days) update, which included trading, you could earn quite a bit of cash trading with other players.

Important Notes
Any profit calculations are based on the unluckiest and luckiest possible normal run without dropping items to substitute in a higher value item. They also do not take into account any extra loot picked up that is not part of the run.
Any duration calculations take into account an average luck run while staying on course. They could change based on setbacks, excessive luck or lack thereof, distractions, and loot drop quantities.
Many of these methods can be performed backwards, given that they form a loop.
Ores take faster to respawn in bigger servers. This is because the Developers are discouraging grinding in small servers.

Grinding Methods

Below are some distinct methods the community has come up with to make money. Keep in mind these methods are designed with a certain amount of backpack space in mind. It would be advisable to clear out anything you don't need before starting.

Pinewood Hills Grinding

These calculations for profit and duration assume 26 open backpack slots with at least 3 taken up by guns and 1 for a Pickaxe.

Hunting Bears in Pinewood Hills and mining at Buffalo Ridge is a great way to earn quick money. This strategy is similar to the "Bear Triangle" method, only with 4 Bears and 1 Gold node.

Before starting, grab a Camp Fire and set it up in a convenient spot for you to cook your Animal Meat when you're heading to sell. A good location if you plan to sell at Bronze City could be on the bridge between Pinewood Hills and the city. After setting up the Camp Fire, go put it away in your bank to save space while grinding. Remember to bring a fast Horse, a Tier 5 or above Pickaxe, and high-damage guns. This is because bears have high health and most non-guns weapons (and automatic weapons) are unable to kill them quick enough to prevent a bear hit.

You should go between each of the locations listed on the image and pick up the loot dropped after killing each of the 4 Bears at their spawn locations. Near the fourth Bear spawn are 1 Gold node that you should mine. Once completed, return to the first Bear spawn and repeat these steps. Once your backpack fills up, go to your Camp Fire, cook your Animal Meat, and head to the closest selling location.


  • Chance of obtaining gems
  • Chance of a Legendary Bear spawning


  • The Bears can kill you
  • Players can attack you
  • Risk of falling to death

Bear Triangle

These calculations for profit and duration assume 27 open backpack slots with at least 3 taken up by guns.

The game via hunting is going to the northwestern section of the map, Bear Paw Valley, and perform this method. This method is similar to the "Pinewood Hills Grinding" method, but with just 4 Bears, and no Gold nodes.

Before starting, spawn at Howling Peak and buy at least 3 dynamite in order to capture Fort Spencer. Grab a Campfire and set it up in a convenient spot for you to cook your Animal Meat when you're heading to sell. A good location is in front Fort Spencer as this is where you will be selling your loot. After setting up the Campfire, go put it away in your bank to save space while grinding. You should bring along a weapon loadout that would work best for you in this situation and a fast Horse.

The most effective weapons for defeating bears are the fannable revolvers - such as the Lemat Revolver (which has great DPS).

Follow the route shown in the image, killing each Bear around that location and picking up their loot. Repeat this process. Whenever your backpack is full, travel to Fort Spencer to cook your Animal Meat then sell your loot.

If you do not have weapons effective against Bears, it would be wise to remain on your Horse. This will allow you a quick escape if you miss or don't end up killing the Bear after shooting it. Once the Bear stops its pursuit, you can return, get off, and kill it quickly.


  • Chance of a Legendary Bear spawning
  • Close to a selling point
  • Close to a spawn point in case you die


  • The Bears can kill you
  • Players can attack you
  • Risk of falling to death

Water Cavern Mining

These calculations for profit and duration assume 26 open backpack slots with at least 3 taken up by guns and 1 for a Pickaxe.

One of the best grinding methods is mining in the Water Cavern in Pinewood Hills. It is almost directly west of the Junction and northwest of the Raider Canyons. You should take a Tier 5 or 6 Pickaxe, some weapons, and a Camp Tent.

Before starting, grab a Camp Tent and set it up in the main cavern, near the ledge that prevents players from reaching the river entrance. By using this tent as a platform, you can easily jump onto the ledge and get the 2 Gold nodes and 1 Silver node that lie there. After setting up the Camp Tent, go put it away in your bank to save space while grinding.

Begin grinding by entering the cavern via the rope entrance in northern Pinewood Hills. Hug the wall to minimize fall damage. Then, run up to the Camp Tent you placed down earlier and use it as a stepping stone to get up to the ledge. Mine the 2 Gold nodes, then head back down. Go through the parkour, making sure to avoid the Gator in the water below and mining the Gold node found there. Then, reach the other side and mine the 3 Silver nodes and 2 Gold nodes found here. Return to the tent and mine the Silver node found there. Repeat this process again, and continue until your backpack is full. Exit the cavern via the rope and return to Outlaw's Perch to sell, as it's quicker than returning to Bronze City. If there are many outlaws in the server, you can play it safe and just sell in Bronze.

Always kill the Gator, even if you do not take its loot, because you may get a Legendary Gator to spawn and drastically increase your profits.

This method is less dangerous than hunting, as you are unlikely to be attacked by animals in the cavern. However, the Gator may still pose a threat if you stay close to it for too long. Additionally, pirates frequently check Water Cavern for any miners, so be on the lookout. If a pirate enters the cavern, simply escape through a different entrance or exit.

If you do not want to use a Camp Tent to get up to the ledge, you can use a large Horse or try to scale the wall yourself, but both of these methods are less consistent and may lose you some time.

When you complete the grind cycle, it is best to leave the server and rejoin a new one, as the ores would take a long time to regenerate. Or you can mine some Iron until a Silver or Gold node regains its ore. You could also kill the Gator and take its loot if you want.

Profits and duration for any Iron ore and any Gator loot are not included in the "Profit" and "Duration" sections.


  • High chance of obtaining gems
  • Chance of a Legendary Gator spawning


  • Making good money depends on luck
  • The Gator and Gerald can both kill you
  • Players can attack you
  • Takes time for ore to respawn
  • Ores may be mined by previous miners

Copper Gulch Mine Mining

These calculations for profit and duration assume 29 open backpack slots with 1 taken up by a Pickaxe (Tier 5 or 6 are recommended).

Mining in the Copper Gulch Mine is the safest way to make money in a relatively short period of time. Because the mine offers protection, griefers cannot kill you. It is recommended to only mine the Copper, Iron and Zinc ores. You will usually get a small amount of money, but if you get any gems then you start to earn good money, given that you use a Tier 5 or 6 Pickaxe. It is currently one of the best ways to make money if you are a beginner enough.

The copper gulch mine is the one of the best ways for a new player to earn money, as the ores require very low pickaxe tiers.

Plus, if you deposit space taking items and weapons, get your inventory full and keep mining for rare gems.


  • High chance of obtaining gems
  • Close to a selling point and in a Safe Zone
  • Near a spawn, in case you die
  • Easy for beginners
  • High profit from obtaining gems


  • Can be tedious and boring
  • Low profit if no gems are found
  • Sometimes overcrowded, leaving you competing with other players for ores

Forest Cavern Mine Mining

These calculations for profit and duration assume 26 open backpack slots with at least 3 taken up by a gun and a Pickaxe.

Another good grinding methods is mining in the Forest Cavern in Pinewood Hills. It is located under the Abandoned Tribal Camp and can be accessed by entering from a tribal tent, a hole on the edge of the tribal camp, under a hill near the Red's Lumberyard, and the river next to the hunting cabin.

What you need is a tier 5 or 6 pickaxe, a lantern (optional) and a weapon able to deal a lot of damage close range such as the Lemat Revolver, in order to kill the Bear quickly.

You should begin by entering on the side of the Abandoned Tribal Camp, preferably with a horse for max efficiency. Then, head to the Dead End, kill the bear, mine the 3 gold ores, and exit. Exit the Dead End and go deeper into the mine and enter the cave on your right. Three gold ores and a bear can be found on the path, so make sure to collect them all. Keep going and turn left at each fork you find. A large rock limits access to the rest of the tunnel by horse, so get off and call it again on the other side if it will not fit through the tunnel. Continue taking lefts at any intersection until you reach the waterfall chamber. Mine the gold in this chamber and use your horse as a platform to reach the gold behind the waterfall. Climb the rope and mine the silver ores at the top of the waterfall. Kill the bear when you approach it, if it's around. If it drops pelts and claws, make sure to pick those up. Mine any additional ores, exit the cave, and head to the Silvertown General Store to sell your earnings.

Killing bears in a tight space is much harder because you have nowhere to run when a bear is pursuing you. If bears aren't a problem for you, then the Forest Cavern would be a great alternative to the water cavern mine. Additionally, pirates frequently check Forest Cavern for any miners, so be on the lookout. If a pirate enters the cavern, simply escape through a different entrance or exit.


  • High chance of obtaining gems
  • Chance of a Legendary Bear spawning
  • Small chance of meeting other players


  • Making good money depends on luck
  • The bears can kill you
  • Players can attack you
  • Takes time for ore to respawn
  • Ores may be mined by previous miners
  • Risk of falling to death

Bank Heist

The most risky method of robbing is robbing the Bronze City Bank. Enter the bank and pick the lock (unless another player already has before). Throw a piece of Dynamite at the vault door. While waiting for the Dynamite to explode, steal 4 Money Bags ($300). Then enter the vault (after the Dynamite has exploded) and steal 16 Gold Bars ($1600). Escape through the tunnel, call your fastest horse, and go to the Outlaw's Perch to sell your Gold Bars. Your money bag gets immediately turned in once you enter a Outlaw camp. Smaller servers have fewer players, meaning that you are less likely to get caught. The profit from robberies remains constant long as you're not in a server with less than 10 people.

It is advised to spawn a small horse under the tunnel and ride it out of the gate, to prevent campers trying to lasso/arrest you.

A very good strategy of making money from robbing is server hopping, First, join a small server using Roblox+ or BTRoblox. Spawn at the Outlaw's Perch, ride to bronze city and rob it like normal, then after claiming your profit you should leave and join a new server.


  • Very profitable, you are guaranteed at least $1900 after selling the Gold Bars at the Outlaw's Perch


  • If you have just bought a expensive item, leaving you with under $50, you wouldn't be able to afford dynamite, forcing you to earn money in another way
  • You will gain a bounty
  • Players will almost always be nearby, and will attack you
  • If robbed too fast, the bank will be devoid of money and take a long waiting period to respawn
  • Environment on your way to a selling point may pose hazards

Gator Hunting

To Gator ledge hunt, head over to the Swamp. Stand on a ledge overlooking a large pool. From there, you will see many Gators swimming and wandering around. First, shoot a Gator; if you cannot kill it before it leaves the water, it will get stuck on the ledge, where it cannot move any closer to you. Kill it and take its loot, then repeat this same process until your Backpack is full.

This dangerous but profitable practice is recommended for people who are experienced but don't want to take on bears, or just for people who are looking for a change in there grinding methods. You can also, if feeling brave, go into the swamp and hunt the other gators that lurk around there, although this is much more dangerous. But you also benefit of getting back your loot quickly if you die due to your proximity to Bronze City.


  • Relatively profitable
  • Chance for a Legendary Gator
  • Near a spawn point for relative safety


  • Slower than other methods
  • The Gators can kill you
  • Might be harder at night due to the Swamp's foggy nature and the Gators' camouflage.


The name for the grinding method means "Bear and Bison Hunting at Pinewood Hills". To do this grinding method you first have to make a camp near the Bear spawn. Then, you start hunting the Bear and Bison. The easiest way to do this is by setting up your camp on the cliff/large rock overlooking the Bison spawns and to make sure the tent has a clear line of sight to the Bear spawn, which is to the left of the mountain. You can then shoot the Bison, pick up its loot, come back to your camp, kill the Bear, pick up its loot, and then go back to your camp once again. The Bison should've respawned by that point. You can then repeat this process until your backpack is full and sell at either Bronze City, Callahan Manor or Outlaw's Perch if you are wanted.

Bison hunting is a good way to earn money for new players with beginner guns such as the Peacekeeper Revolver and the Lemat Revolver.


  • Chance of a Legendary Bear or Legendary Bison spawning
  • Relatively high money gain


  • The Bears and Bisons can kill you
  • Players can attack you

Fort Hunting

These calculations for profit and duration assume 28 open backpack slots with at least 2 taken up by guns.

Fort Hunting is when you capture a Fort and hunt all of the Animals in the area. If performed using Fort Henry, Bison would be your animal of choice due to their relative abundance and proximity to the fort. If performed using Fort Spencer, Bears as well as Bison would be best to hunt, although you could hunt Deer if you don't want to stray too far from the fort. It is recommended to have guns that deal high damage, such as the Lemat Revolver or Sharps Rifle. Other than 2 weapons, having more items in your backpack would give less profit. After gaining a full backpack of loot, go to the Fort store and sell it there. It may be more difficult if there are there are factions in the server who want the Fort for themselves.


  • Chance of a Legendary Bison spawning or, if Fort Spencer is used, a Legendary Bear spawning too
  • Close to a selling point
  • Profitable


  • Factions/players attack forts often
  • Bison and Bears can kill you easily
  • Players could come to the fort trying to do the same method
  • Other modifiers might bring hazards

Quarry Mining

This calculation assumes 30 backpack space with 1 taken up by a defense method and 1 taken by a Pickaxe. If you want extra spaces, carry one gun only.

This is a flexible yet quite profitable way of mining. Start off at Fort Spencer (nearby, try to capture it), Callahan's Manor, or Puerto Dorado (farther but still near). Call a horse and head off to the Quarry. When you get to the Quarry get off and mine the Limestone nodes. When you are filled up on Limestone and Emeralds (better drop chances with Limestone), sell at the nearest shop.


  • Chance of obtaining Emeralds
  • Near a fort for relative safety if captured


  • Players can attack you while mining, as it is easy to get sniped from the top of the Quarry while you stand at the bottom
  • If a enemy has the Fort you can get sniped while travelling back

Whispering Summit Mining

These method calculations for profit and duration assume the loot is sold after 1 repeat of the route and at least 17 backpack slots are open.

Around Howling Peak, there are a notable amount of Gold and Silver nodes, as well as a Bear spawn. The benefit of this is you can maintain a close distance to a Safe Zone and a place to sell your loot. Because of this, it is relatively safe, with the only real dangerous parts being the Bear nearby and pirates in the area.

Before starting, grab a Camp Fire and set it up in front of the main gate at Howling Peak. After setting up the Camp Fire, go put it away in your bank to save space while grinding, if you need to free up room. You should bring along an appropriate weapon loadout and a Tier 5 or 6 Pickaxe.

Hop on your horse from the front gate of Howling Peak to location #1 (see image) and kill the Bear, picking up its drops. Then, head further up the mountain and mine the Iron node and Silver node at location #2. Hop on your horse again and run down the side of the mountain into the ice ravines at the third location. Here, you mine the upper Silver node and the 1 Gold and 2 Iron nodes. From there, get on your horse and make your way to to location #4, east of Howling Peak. When there, mine the 1 Gold node, the Silver node, and 3 Iron nodes around the rock peak. Finally, get on your horse once again and ride into the main entrance of Howling Peak to cook your meat at your Camp Fire and sell your loot at Callahan's Manor General Store. At this point, you repeat the process (joining a new server is advised because the ores takes time to respawn).


  • Chance of obtaining gems
  • Near a spawn, in case you die
  • Chance of a Legendary Bear spawning


  • Making good money depends on luck
  • The Bear can kill you
  • Players can attack you
  • Very far from selling point
  • Risk of falling to death

Other Methods

Below are any other methods of gaining money that aren't distinct grinding strategies, but ways to make money in-game.


Woodcutting is a slow and tedious process. For this task, it is recommended you buy a Tier 3 axe. It is expensive though, so if you have a Tier 2 or Tier 1 axe you will have more limited options in terms of cuttable trees (click here to see which axes can cut which trees). Go to any major forested area on the map (places like Pinewood hills, Tribal forest or Bear Paw valley) and chop down the trees in the area. Afterwards, travel to your nearest selling point to sell your lumber. Logs can't be sold by holding F, so you need to go into the backpack, right click the item, and confirm that you want to sell it.

Considering you have 1 backpack slot taken up by a axe and 29 free slots you will get $2900 which is rather low seeing the amount of time needed to chop down trees, however there is also a chance you will find a Thunderstruck Log whilst traveling, which sell for $2000 each. You may also find a Thunderstruck cactus, which sells for $3000. These only occur when it is raining or has just rained. It is not recommended you sell these though as they can be used in trading to obtain items. They will also be used in the upcoming Building Update.


  • Steady income
  • Players are not usually interested in cutting down trees
  • Trees are practically everywhere so there is no need to search for them
  • Thunderstruck trees and cacti can spawn


  • Low income
  • Selling logs is slow
  • Unnoticed hostile animals can kill you
  • Players can attack you


Although being an outlaw is fun, other outlaws will definitely get on your nerves at some point and you'll need to pick up Justice. It's recommended to be either a Sheriff or have a Lasso, so that you can arrest them. Try your best to lasso and arrest outlaws, because you'll only get 1/4th of the bounty if you kill them. You can also walk up to a wanted poster in towns and hold "E", and it will give you the outlaw's last location so you can track them down. However, using posters is relatively inefficient, as most outlaws are on the move, and once you arrive at the marker, they'll likely be long gone.

Despite its benefits, this method is dangerous and quite inefficient. It relies heavily on other players and their skill. Most outlaws with high bounties run around nowhere near towns, sometimes in large, often skilled groups, so bringing a faction or some friends might help. It is also not easy to track down outlaws, so you have to be on your toes when looking for one. Heading to Outlaw's Perch or the Windmill Camp might yield some outlaws hanging around.


  • Can be more fun than hunting or mining grinding strategies


  • Profit is based on others and scales drastically based on player activity and skill
  • Outlaws will attack you
  • Environment may pose hazards


Pirating is when you kill people when they have loot on them. This doesn't require much work, but it is unreliable. You could find somebody with loot really anywhere on the map. The main strategy is let people hunt, mine, rob, etc. for a while, and then when they get on their horse or when they are not moving, kill them and go and sell the loot somewhere as quickly as possible. Chances are after pirating somebody, they will hunt you down to get revenge.

Alternatively, you can rob outlaws too. You let the robber get some distance away from the place they robbed (Bank, Steamboat, etc.) then you kill them and take whatever they were stealing. One effective way to kill them is to Horse Ram them, then shoot them when down. Robbing outlaws can net anywhere between $75 to the maximum $1,900 plus whatever else they had in their backpack. Since the position of a robber will be announced to the server when they start a robbery, it is quite easy to track them down. A good idea would be to hop servers after doing this, so that way your victim doesn't hunt you down.

It's worth noting that this strategy can be seen as "toxic" and disrespectful to the people working hard to earn money and players may be very mad with you. If you don't want to upset people, please avoid pirating.


  • Quick profit, if your target had loot of some kind


  • Very inconsistent profit
  • Target may kill you in the process
  • You may gain enemies by doing this
  • Environment may pose hazards

Legendary Animal Hunting

In addition to the normal versions of all the hostile or semi-hostile animals other than the Gerald, there are legendary variants: they have 4 times as much health, regenerate health 10 times as fast, and are bigger, faster, and stronger overall. To compensate for the added difficulty, each one drops upwards of $4,000 worth of animal meat and legendary pelts; about as much as a few hunting or mining trips.

Legendary Animals occasionally spawn in the place of a normal animal. The Legendary Animals are noticeably larger and have a darker pelt. If they do spawn, a message will appear in chat. It is not recommended to hunt these animals if you are a beginner, since the Legendary Bison and Legendary Bear are capable of instantly killing you.

If you are insistent on wanting to kill one of these beasts, stay above the animal and out of their reach. Maintaining the high ground is a tried-and-true strategy for any animal in this game, including the Legendary Animals. You could also hunt with some friends and split the loot.

Legendary Bison have difficulty climbing slopes, so you could stand at the top of a steep hill and shoot at them from above. For Legendary Gators and Legendary Bears, stand on top of a fallen log or somewhere they can't reach, and shoot at them until they die. When the animals die, they will drop a lot of loot, so make sure your backpack has eight free spaces when hunting Legendary Bears or Gators, and four free spaces for the Legendary Bison.


  • High profit upon finding a Legendary Animal


  • Legendary Animals can easily kill you
  • Legendary Animals don't spawn frequently
  • Players can and most likely will attack you
  • Legendary Gators have a tendency to either not drop teeth or have them fall through the world
  • Environment may pose hazards

Pro Tips

  • Its recommended that you switch between 2 to 3 grinding methods, as it prevents you getting bored and also makes it easier to find places to grind if one is already taken.
  • BE ALERT. Pirates will attack you from behind if you don't see them coming so also check your surroundings, and don't trust anyone who you don't know.
  • Take as little stuff with you as you can, so you can carry as much loot per run as possible.
  • Working alone will take half the time for the same amount of cash, but with a friend you can have help defending yourself from Pirates and defending your loot if you die.
  • Bigger servers allow for ores and Legendary animals to spawn faster, but also increases the risk of being Pirated.


Source: https://thewild-west.fandom.com/wiki/Making_Money

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